Love riding your bike? Think you could love riding it even more in like-minded company too, but not sure you’re “good enough” for joining the club?
Join us on an Introductory ride and see where it takes you. No commitment, no pressure, no competition, just cycling for cycling’s sake. We think it’s more fun that way, and that’s why we created NEW MALDEN VELO. A club where we’re all good enough.
Joining the club is easy, we have no waitlist or requirements, just a willingness to ride and a bike.
Rides begin at Woodies Freehouse, Thetford Road, New Malden, KT3 5DX
- Most rides take place on Sunday mornings, with different groups leaving at various times, with most around 8am. Norm is to head towards the Surrey Hills or Windsor (depending on weather or how fit we are feeling!)
- We usually have several groups heading at different start times, varying speeds, distance, elevation and locations – agreed on our WhatsApp groups and NMV app. each week
- On the last Sunday of every month we run an ‘Introductory Ride’, which is open to all, starting at 9am and returning around 12pm including a coffee stop. Distance is approx. 40-50km at around 14mph, towards Cobham or Walton
- There are usually plenty of other ad hoc rides arranged thru the week, ie Richmond Park evening laps and pints, and Saturday rides – usually discussed and arranged over our WhatsApp groups
- We also have a ‘Women’s only introductory ride’ each month too, generally the second Saturday of each month, departing at 9am (keep an eye on our Facebook page or WhatsApp for further details)
If you enjoy riding with us, you can join officially for an annual subscription fee of £20 per year. Email us at to request to join the club.
Benefits of joining the club include:
- Access to our WhatsApp group chats and NMV Ride App to view pre-planned routes and rides, including club Zwift races and rides, and membership of our Strava club
- Access to our list of selected routes on quieter roads
- A chance to go on fantastic rides, taking in breath-taking countryside in beautiful Surrey, Sussex, Berkshire or Kent countryside and best café selections
- The opportunity to purchase our high quality Le Col club kit at great prices
- Participation in club trips – previously we have been to the Alps, Pyrenees, Majorca, as well as UK trips too.
- Club affiliation to “British Cycling” – benefits listed on the next page
- “Cycling Time Trials” club membership, enabling you to take part in time trials if you so wish
- On-the-road learning – getting riding tips from fellow riders
- Safety in numbers – it’s safer on the roads to be seen and cycle in groups
- Access to local cyclists in the club for advice and tips on all things bike-related!
- and above all a chance to ride with a nice bunch of like-minded people too.
All we would ask is that you let us know that you are coming out for one of our rides.
Hope to see you soon!
Simon, Jeff, Luca, Karl, Nayana and Jim.
New Malden Velo
Personal membership details are on the below link, but additionally summarised as follows:-
- Insurance, including 3rd party liability insurance and preferential rates
- Retail discounts – loads, but probably the best part is discount at Halfords and Chain Reaction cycles too.
- Magazine subscription discounts
- Early bird ticket offers
- Access to race licenses
- Ability to participate in national and regional events
Joining the club brings slightly different benefits, in 4 areas:
- Discount for club members when joining British Cycling first time around (pretty helpful actually)
- Public liability insurance of up to £10million for club activities
– especially helpful if anything untoward happens in covering newcomers taking part in club activities and protecting club officials - Enables 0.5m British Cycling website visitors per month to potentially find NMV (that would be a big Sunday ride…)
- If need be we can get entry into national and regional rankings, as well as getting support from the regional British Cycling team for any events and activities we might be planning
- Enables our members to participate in CTT events
- Gives us the opportunity to put on our own organised time trials
Disclaimer & Membership Terms
By becoming a member of New Malden Velo or joining one of our rides, you accept responsibility for cycling at your own risk.New Malden Velo is not liable for any injury sustained to yourself, or any other person to which you may influence. Whilst New Malden Velo will endeavour to ensure your safety and that of everyone, we strongly recommend and insist that you do the following:
- Take out personal insurance for both you and your bicycle;
- Follow the highway code;
- Ensure your bicycle is in good working order;
- Wear a correctly fitted and fastened cycling helmet;
- Please avoid wearing headphones whilst riding and be aware of your surroundings;
- A fully charged mobile phone is always useful;
- Bring some cash, inner tubes and a mini-pump on all Club rides;
- Carry some form of identification on all rides;
- Ensure adequate hydration and nourishment on long rides;
- Dress appropriately for the weather conditions;
- Wear reflective clothing and carry bike lights during evening and night sessions;
- Respect the rules of the public highways;
- Slow down, give way or stop in the interests of courtesy, safety or obligation;
- Avoid confrontation with other road users and pedestrians;
- Act responsibly to promote the good image of cyclists.
- Keep to the left wherever possible;
- Ride two abreast where the conditions allow, and go single file on busy roads;
- Maintain an orderly riding pattern at all times;
- Learn and use the club calls to warn other riders in the group of pot-holes, glass, parked cars and other hazards which may require the following riders to alter course;
- Pay attention to the route taken on group rides, so that they can retrace their steps should they drop out of the ride for any reason;
- Ensure you make note of the contact details for the ride leader(s) on the day.
The club is insured for third-party claims against its ride leaders and officials as a result of its affiliation with British Cycling. Individual riders are not insured by the club or by British Cycling unless they are members of that, or another, organisation. New Malden Velo strongly recommends you have some kind of insurance, and the club highly recommends riders and members take out British Cycling membership (Ride, Race Silver or Race Gold membership comes with personal liability insurance cover) or another appropriate insurance policy.
Third-party and legal indemnity insurance may also be provided by your household insurer, or by membership of a national cycling organisation. Medical, bicycle, recovery, and other personal cycling insurance may be obtained from organisations such as Laka Insurance. For more information, do contact the club directly and an exec member can advise. Alternatively, visit Cycling UK, British Cycling and/or Laka websites for more info